Predicting Baseball Scores

Okay... so if I was actually able to do this, I would be rich. So, spoiler alert, this project didn't exactly go as planned.

This project was to train a Network on past sports scores, then ask it to predict future scores. The data I used was game number, opposition team, whether the game was a day or night game, whether the game was at home or away, and the number of people in attendance at the stadium.

What data are useful?

Not all of these data are useful, though, and I learned that through testing this network. Game number, for example, proved to be completely unuseful, even problematic. Audience attendance was actually surprisingly useful.

Based on that info, I made the program customizable. The program asks you which data you would like to use. This way, the users can discover for themselves, which maybe could be useful in the future.

The program will output the data that it tested, and will show the percent error that it resulted in.


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