VacuumWorld – v1.0

VacuumWorld was a pretty simple project that combined two ideas that we have been learning about: Agents and States.

Borrowing from the Braitenberg project, the Vacuum agent in this game would look for dirt ("sense"), decide to vacuum or move ("decide"), and then do so ("act").

With the dirt and vacuum, there were a total of eight possible states:

During my decide method, the Vacuum agent senses where dirt exists within the VacuumWorld (the two squares). Then, if there is dirt, it will suck it up (bonus: audio!). If not it will move to the other square and sense again. Finally, when all dirt is gone, it will end the "game". 

Improvements can obviously be added to my game. One major improvement I would make is to allow the user to decide the beginning state of the world; i.e. which cells have dirt, and where the vacuum is. Moreover, I would like to expand the 'world' to allow for better algorithms in the future.


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